We are a non-profit organisation with provisions under the Indian Income Tax Act and Foreign Currency Regulation Act 2010.

Patients like Rajesh, Kamala, Kareemulla and Satish (please refer to our ‘Success vs complex stories’ page) are just few of many who need support and treatment. Comprehensive model of mental health services which include provision of psychological and social interventions along with medication are expensive to provide. They are not currently available in the government sector and it appears unlikely that this can happen in near future.

On the other hand, mental health services cannot survive in private sector if we strictly stick to comprehensive model because the general public in India appears to hold a flawed view that the treatment of mental disorders does not deserve spending money. Some people think psychotherapy means just ‘talking’ and does not cost much. In any case, these services are not affordable for poor patients.

We, therefore, strongly believe that it is possible to help all sections of the population through the Non-Profit model provided by MGICMH. If this provision of accessing the service with subsidised fee is not available for patients with low financial status, it would not have been possible to help patients like Rajesh, Kamala, Kareemulla and Satish to get to this level of stability and success in their lives.

Staff members need to be paid salaries and the hospital incurs maintenance costs making the expenditure substantial. Numerous appeals were made to the state government for funding without any success. Donations from generous people like you are likely to help manage and expand this project and extend help to poor patients who cannot otherwise afford to experience a high quality service.